
Ansys SpaceClaim

SpaceClaim offers lightweight
3D modeling for fast, simple answers

Ansys SpaceClaim is the perfect modeling solution for engineers who want access to 3D
answers but don’t have the time or inclination to learn complex traditional CAD systems.
It provides you with tools to accelerate geometry preparation and get to simulation
sooner while eliminating delays between design teams.

  • Edit, repair and create any geometry
  • Leverage scan data to reverse
    engineer new parts
  • STL prep for 3D printing
  • De-feature CAD models, extract
    fluid domains or simplify models
    for simulation
  • Prepare models for manufacturing
    steps and maximize machining time
  • Create, import, or repair sheet
    metal designs

Quick Specs

Reduce simulations prep time and create 3D models quickly with Ansys SpaceClaim.

These tools free designers and analysts to focus on simulation results

by accelerating the geometry creation process.

Design and Concept Modeling               Scan-to-CAD              Model Prep for Manufacturing

Jig and Fixture Design                      Reverse Engineering                       3D Printing

Motion Dynamics STL                       Prep for 3D Printing            Model Prep for Simulation

Sheet Metal                                        Modeling for CAE                Additive Manufacturing


Simplify models in minutes instead of hours. Quickly modify, optimize and parameterize any CAD file to reduce mesh complexity and speed up simulation solve time.

Let the power of SpaceClaim streamline workflows to reduce model pre-processing time from weeks or days to hours or minutes, all while eliminating the need to outsource CAD modifications. Whether you’re modifying existing geometry or creating simplified representations, SpaceClaim eliminates geometry bottlenecks to let engineers focus on physics. Simulation-driven product development allows parameterizing of any model and includes bidirectional linkage to Ansys Workbench for seamless integration of geometry. This allows for fast, bottleneck-free answers in 3D.

Use intuitive and powerful tools to autosurface simple or complex mesh data, build intricate parts or recreate fixtures quickly and efficiently.

Power, ease and flexibility combine to make SpaceClaim a reverse engineering tool that, regardless of scan integrity, can take any STL file and covert it to CAD format. Skin Surface offers a powerful method for autosurfacing solid geometry from prismatic or organic shapes, enabling you to reconstruct surface data around scans of complex shapes, including living organisms. 

Create parts, assemblies and drawings. Open, repair and edit any CAD file. SpaceClaim’s direct modeling technology is faster, easier and more flexible than any other 3D modeling tool.

Design the way you think. SpaceClaim’s fully functioning CAD tool is powerful enough for rapid concept modeling but simple enough to create detailed parts, assemblies and drawings. A simple 2D-to-3D-geometry conversion tool streamlines the work process, using common workflows to generate 3D-ready data from a variety of file types. Let the software free you to focus on creativity, ideas and productivity.

Prepare models for manufacturing steps and maximize machining time. Edit any CAD file, repair corrupt or difficult CAD files and design jigs and fixtures faster than ever before.

The flexibility enjoyed in SpaceClaim reduces the challenges of prepping models for manufacturing. Open, edit and prepare parts from any CAD system while easily converting multiple file types into 3D data for next-step machining. The automated repair tools can turn corrupt or incomplete data into usable surfaces or solids, letting engineers focus on toolpath creation. SpaceClaim will automatically heal disjointed surfaces and repair holes and gaps. Rapidly extract geometry for fixturing or tooling of any objects, all while integrating and leveraging partnerships with other libraries and systems. 

Complete sheet metal jobs quickly while minimizing downtime on the shop floor. Design enclosures and convert 3D files to unfolded layouts and import and repair unfoldable sheet metal designs.

SpaceClaim gives engineers the flexibility to work with any CAD data to create, edit and prepare models for high-precision sheet metal fabrication. No other tool is easier to use and does a better job editing geometry, cleaning up corrupt or difficult CAD data and delivering high-quality sheet metal functionality. You can automatically unfold virtually any sheet metal parts and export them while simultaneously viewing and editing folded and unfolded models. In SpaceClaim, you can adjust thickness, bend allowance and material properties on any model and customize a form library along the way. With live design feedback, optimization is made simple. 

Make any 3D file print-ready. Analyze and repair dirty or corrupt faceted data or quickly create, edit and prepare optimized models for 3D printing.

Speed up your 3D printing with SpaceClaim. The STL prep module — a faceted data toolkit — lets you work directly with STL files, as well as a bounty of automated prep tools to repair a file and get it ready for a printable model, all regardless of imperfections. Edit a collection of facets to alter the form, giving you freedom for rapid changes. Optimization tools smooth and reduce noise to balance the strength and weight ratio while minimizing material consumption. The analytical tools help ensure your model has adequate wall thickness and critical-area protection to efficiently and confidently create. 

Ansys SpaceClaim 3D Modeling Software
Quickly Solves Geometry Problems

Ansys SpaceClaim lets engineers easily leverage 3D modeling to explore ideas and solve problems.
3D models can be simplified for analysis in a fraction of the time it takes with traditional CAD.
From reverse engineering to model prep for sheet metal manufacturing, easy-to-use
SpaceClaim software streamlines the model creation process.

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